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PayPal Checking Account: The Future of Online Banking

In this article today, we will be exploring the new Paypal feature - Paypal Checking Account. And will be telling you how this works.
PayPal Checking Account

 Online banking has transformed the tech world and the Banking world too. And since the creation os the first online banking system, many more platforms have come up to challenge and facilitate banking online.

The financial landscape has seen a substantial transformation with the advent of online banking. Traditional brick-and-mortar banks have faced disruption from digital financial platforms, making it easier and more convenient for people to manage their finances remotely.

With this online banking, many people do not have to displace themselves to go to the traditional banks to send or receive money. From home you can send, receive money and do many other things.

One of these amazing online platforms that have impacted the world at large is th popular Paypal. Since it's creation in 1998, Paypal has grown to be one of the most popular online platforms for sending and receiving money, and is even considered the most trusted online banking platform by many institutions and banks.

And while things keep on advancing, Paypal also wants to gain higher heights. Right now, PayPal has recently introduced a new feature that has caught the attention of many users – the PayPal Checking Account. Well, let's dive and look more about the new Paypal Checking account and how it works.

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Paypal Checking Account

PayPal has identified the need for cutting edged financial solutions in a world that is becoming more and more digital and where accessibility and convenience are critical factors.

The goal of the PayPal Checking Account is to provide customers with an easy and all-online banking experience. PayPal users can easily deposit, withdraw, and transfer money from Paypal now to any other PayPal user or traditional bank account.

Well, PayPal itself doesn't function exactly as a checking account. It actually acts as an intermediary service for online transactions, letting you use your existing bank account or debit card to pay securely without sharing your financial information with the merchant.

That is, you can link your checking account and your PayPal account to easily transfer funds between them, and to other bank owners or Paypal users. This way, you can use the balance in your checking account to make online payments through PayPal.

And because of this, many people have tend to call this feature the Paypal Checking Account since it connects your Bank's Checking to your Paypal and all it's features.

How to Link Checking Account to Paypal Account

That said, we will now show you how to link them and use your Paypal account as a Checking Account right now;

  1. Log in to your Paypal Account
  2. Then go to your Wallet section on your PayPal account.
  3. Click on "Link a card or bank".
  4. Choose "Link a bank account".
  5. You can either link your account instantly by entering your bank login details or wait for a couple of small deposits to be made into your account to verify ownership.

Once your checking account is linked, you can choose it as your funding source whenever you make a payment on PayPal.

Note that, unlike a traditional checking account whose funds are FDIC Insured, funds in your PayPal account are not FDIC insured. But if you want your funds on Paypal to be FDIC Insured, you can see more with Paypal Savings Account.

Checkout now to see if your Paypal Funds are FDIC Insured or Not

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Because of this service consolidation, customers may manage their finances more easily on a single platform, saving them from having to manage numerous accounts or apps at the same time. PayPal's integration of banking services into its existing reliable payment system has simplified their users' entire financial journey.

To add to it, the PayPal Checking Account also offers various features which are similar to those provided by traditional banks. Some of these features are;

  • Users can easily monitor balances or funds
  • View transaction history
  • And set up alerts for upcoming bill payments.

PayPal also provides extensive fraud protection, offering users peace of mind and ensuring the security of their funds.

Also, Paypay checking account has minimum or no fees compared to traditional banks that impose monthly maintenance fees or require minimum balances. This emphasis on a fee-free experience is a significant aspect, especially for those who are tired of hidden charges or are looking for a more cost-effective banking solution.

Limitations of the Paypal Checking Account

Well, there is always a good and a bad isn't it? That is same for the Paypal Checking account which also has limitations(bad side). Some of these limitations are;

  1. Paypal Checking Account does not offer paper checks, so individuals who frequently need to issue physical checks may need to look for alternative banking options.
  2. Additionally, the PayPal Checking Account is not currently available for joint accounts or business accounts, further narrowing its target demographic.
  3. Finally, Paypal is not available in all it's complete features around the globe. Some countries can only send money to other, but can't receive. But other can go through both and even enjoy all the necessary features they offer.
So you can see if Paypal is compatible in your Country in full or just partially.

Is Paypal Checking Account safe?

Well, as we said above, Paypal does not really have a Checking account option. But it has a feature that ressembles the Checking account features our traditional banks offer. Meaning in general, this question should be; Is Paypal Safe?

And as we have always said, Payapl is even very safe, and is considered one of the safest and most secure money transfer apps in the world right now. Paypal is also considered the most trusted online banking platform by popular institutions and or banks.

In addition to that, Paypal have added many features to keep their users safe, including a very strong pin or authentication, and a two-way factor authentication to avoid people accesssing your account without your permission.

Closing Remarks

Above all, the "PayPal Checking Account" is a game-changer in the world of online banking. PayPal has produced a financial solution that is unique and meets the needs of current consumers with its fee-free transactions, easy integration with existing PayPal accounts, and user-friendly interface.

As the use of technology in banking continues to dominate the world of finance, the introduction of the PayPal Checking Account highlights the continual development of how we manage our finances.

The PayPal Checking Account is a practical and effective choice, regardless of whether you are a current PayPal customer or searching for a new banking experience.

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Content Writer| Finance Specialist| Video Editor| Blogger and Vlogger is what I am and we share content mostly on finance tips and tech tutorials.

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